Saturday, March 18, 2017

What Type of Web Hosting Do I Need?

Web Hosting Consumer Guide: 9 Tips You Should Know

A good hosting is very important to any website. They are foundation of your website, your brand and your business. Any server downtime could potentially hurt and ruin everything you’ve developed over years. If you are serious about your website, you need to make sure they are in good hands.

It is really hard to choose between web hosting companies these days especially as we are constantly overwhelmed by tempting promotions web hosting companies are throw at us. If you are looking to get a web hosting account, here is an article we figured you might take a look before getting carried away by tempting promotions and marketing gimmicks.

Here are some guides to make you a smarter consumer when it comes to getting your own web hosting account.

1. The “Free Domain” Gimmick.

A free domain certainly sounds nice, however here are some things you might need to take note of before agreeing to the free domains provided:

  1. Who owns the domain? The domain is free but the hosting company retains the ownership. What it means? You’re either stuck with the company forever or you need to pay a hefty sum to buy the domain back.
  2. What about the next few years of renewal? The first year is free but when you want to renew it, they’ll charge $19.95+ for renewal. That is like a 200% mark-up over the average domain name cost.

It’s better to ask questions during the research process to know who will own the domain and also make sure that the standard renewal fees costs are acceptable.

2. Separate Domain and Hosting.

Domain names don’t have to be registered at the same company. Don’t take us the wrong way, we are not implying that your current web host is not trust-able; it’s more about finding a dependable and trustworthy registrar right from the start. After all, domain name is your online identity, the most expensive and irreplaceable asset while hosting services are just there to accommodate website.

You may argue for convenience sake. Of course, web-hosting companies would prefer to have your domain registered with them, as it is their other profitable revenue stream. However, it won’t be that convenient if the web hosting company decides to go down together with your domain.

3. Read That Bandwidth and Disk space Terms.

Bandwidth and disk space are terms often ignored by people shopping for a shared web hosting. You should ask yourself, “What if my website becomes really popular overnight, and draws in thousands or millions of visitors? Will I pay hefty charge for the huge data transfer?”

Of course, most websites won’t go past their bandwidth quota by high traffic alone, but if you provide some files for downloads in your website, it can potentially happen.

4. Unlimited Storage’s Catch.

Unlimited Storage seems like a great offer doesn’t it? That’s what some web hosting services want you to think. But, there is no such a thing as “Unlimited Storage”.

Unlimited Storage seems like a great offer doesn’t it? That’s what some web hosting services want you to think. But, there is no such a thing as Unlimited Storage.

Have you ever study the TOS of your web hosting service completely? If you’re like many people, you‘ll scan it and don’t read it carefully. Somewhere in the TOS there is a section that mentions CPU/Server Usage. To sum it up, basically it says if your web site uses more than a certain amount of storage, it violates the TOS and will subject to termination. Of course, it is necessary for just about every hosting service to have something like that in their Terms of Service to protect resources on their servers from improper usages.  However, many web-hosting services are using the CPU/Server Usage to get around their Unlimited Storage promises.

5. Research and Find out More About Them.

One common way is to insert the following query “web_hosting_company sucks” and see what are the results returned. You’ll be surprise by the amount of consumers that had complained about their web host.

This list may give you an idea but you should not take it for granted because:

  • Unfair count. Large companies tend to disappoint more people because they have more disgruntled customers, although they might be only an extremely small percentage of the overall customer base.
  • Bias and subjective verdicts. Statements on personal blogs can sometimes be highly subjective, biased and influenced. Any rebuttals can potentially deleted by the site owners to give one-sided impression.
  • Complaints are common. It is easier for some people to rant than to praise. In general, if a web host performs smoothly, they’re just doing their job and if it doesn’t, then it deserves all the bad reviews. That’s just what we do :)


Related Article: Web Hosting 101: How to Get Started FAST!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Zuckerberg to the UN: The Internet Belongs to Everyone

A reputation is a hard thing to shake. Like when a UN moderator introduces Mark Zuckerberg by commenting that he is almost unrecognizable without his hoodie. Zuckerberg hasn’t worn a hoodie in nearly three years. In fact, he was looking remarkably comfortable in his suit at the UN last weekend as he joined a group of speakers from global NGOs.

Zuckerberg had come to the United Nations to advocate for universal Internet access. Speaking to a body of heads of state and UN delegates, he made an impassioned plea that the Internet is a key enabler of human rights. “Insuring access is essential to achieving global justice and opportunity,” he said.

He made the speech on the day he partnered with Bono, the rockstar founder of the advocacy group ONE, to publish a connectivity declaration, which calls on global leaders to prioritize Internet access. The pair penned an op-ed for the New York Times in which they announced their intentions to start a global movement. Dozens of people have signed it already, including Richard Branson and Bill and Melinda Gates.

Zuckerberg wants the world to understand that Internet access should be a basic human right, like access to healthcare or water. Secondarily, he wants people to understand that Facebook’s role in this effort is driven primarily by his deep social conviction that such connectivity is the best way to alleviate poverty. “Research shows that when you give people access to the Internet, one in ten people is lifted from poverty,” he said.

That may be true, but Facebook has recently had a hard time selling people on its role in furthering that connectivity after a global backlash against its program that began in India last April. Several Indian web publishers pulled out of parts of, which lets some publishers offer pared-down versions of services to users free through a Facebook-built app. They worried that Facebook was conspiring with mobile carriers to determine which websites qualified for inclusion. They said this violated the principles of net neutrality—the idea Internet providers should treat all online service the same. The criticism gained momentum in May when nearly 70 advocacy groups released a letter to Zuckerberg protesting, arguing it violated net neutrality principles and stirred security concerns.

Facebook has now responded by changing the name of its app and mobile web site to Free Basics, in order to distance it from the larger initiative and by opening its platform so that any developer can launch services from it. And it has focused on better communicating with the Indian tech community. But a defensive-sounding post from August on the website labeled “Myths and Facts” makes clear the criticism Facebook is receiving is striking a chord. (Example: MYTH: Facebook has launched to help drive its own growth and revenue opportunities within developing countries.) Despite Facebook’s efforts, as Wired wrote on Friday, the criticism continues. Meanwhile, Zuckerberg has invested significant time this year in talking to world leaders from Panama to Indonesia about the company’s connectivity efforts.

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